How To Frame a Sports Jersey

How To Frame a Sports Jersey

I quickly framed a Michael Thomas autographed football jersey I had received in an opening – I figured I would film the process to record what I did and how I did it.. It ended up being a very quick and easy tutorial on how to frame a sports jersey! All you really need is a shadowbox, some cardboard, and scissors or a box cutter. The shadowbox I had used was a 16″ x 20″ hinged box, so I could open up the front and carefully set the jersey in. 

The first step is cutting the cardboard slightly smaller than the shadow box opening, enough room for the jersey to sit between it and the edges of the box. Once the cardboard is cut, slide it into the jersey and frame up the jersey around the cardboard, making it look exactly how you want it before placing it in the shadow box. Once you’ve got it all set on the cardboard, place the jersey with the cardboard inside into the shadow box and tinker with it until it looks exactly how you want it. Close the shadowbox up, and it’s ready to be hung on the wall. That’s it! You’ll be framing autographed sports jerseys in no time. This will work for most jerseys including: baseball jersey, football jerseys, hockey jerseys and soccer jerseys. I am unsure on how it would work with sleeveless jerseys, such as basketball jerseys. Within 5 minutes, you’ll have started and completed the how to frame a sports jersey tutorial! This method of framing a sports jersey is relatively cheap, and can definitely go up in price depending on the frame size / layout of the shadowbox, but was around $25 total for me to purchase the shadowbox and cardboard used in the framing. I hope this helps!